Skilled Fighters

Skilled Fighters

The Lord is sending out a change of shift…
I have found so much to be true about the goodness of God. 
I have seen his hand woven throughout my life, even in days when I thought I was running from His plan. In his mercy and goodness he covered me and brought me lovingly back in to the fold. Back into alignment and before you know it I was running on the narrow road, charging ahead towards the Promised Land. 
But I would be lying if I told you that the path to promise is filled with cupcakes and rainbows. Or even espresso shots and cake pops… 
But the kicker is that on the road with Jesus there is peace, joy and purpose that the world simply cannot offer. And if you are walking in anything less than that, don't sweat it, I have been there too. 
But I need you to know that the wilderness doesn't have to last forever. 
The way out is through surrender & faith. 
It was unbelief and pride that trapped an entire generation in the wilderness, shackled  by their own rebellion. Unable to inherit the promise of God. 
Not only do I have good news today that the wilderness doesn't have to be a life sentence, I also want to tell you that God is sending in reinforcements. 
Skilled fighters are coming. 

If you have been going through a refining and pruning take a deep breath and let things go that God is trying to prune and shift. 
God is calling you to a place where you must be selective of the voices in your ear, selective of the seats at the table. 
And when it looks like you are sitting alone, God will begin to send people seemingly out of nowhere to fill the seats & help you fight. 

Those who are strategic in their spiritual warfare. Who have been there, done that, and bought the Tee-Shirt. People you can trust. People who can hold up your hands in the battle. 
And like my good friend says - we aren't here to make besties, we are here to cut the enemies head off and be a watchman on the wall. 
Catch me about the fathers business ;)

Remember the assignment. 
Prepare the chair for the skilled fighter on their way. 
Slay like David
God is teaching you how to fight strategically. 
This isn't a birthday party, it's a war. But chin up - you were made for this!
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