New Seasons & Changing Scenery - A Vision

New Seasons & Changing Scenery - A Vision

In an instant—everything changed.
Some time ago I was sitting in a Sunday Morning Service and the Lord invaded my mind with a vision. and if we are being honest, I needed it. My brain was spiraling.
Has that ever happened to you? Your flesh doing what it's best at, but your spirit remaining calm and at peace? There is definitely a war within ourselves when we are trying to walk by the spirit and not the flesh. 
My brain was focusing on on everyone who left 
Yes- I knew that God was in control and my identity rests in His approval, but like I said - my brain was spiraling. 
The facts are that when we are out here doing Kingdom work people come and go, and if we aren't careful we focus inward, rather than upward. We automatically want to retreat and isolate - but God has another vantage point…

Then I went into an open vision. I saw myself driving a train uphill. The person who had most recently hurt my heart hopped on to this uphill train, she was dressed in torn clothes and looked like she had no hope. I watched her ride this train awhile up the hill and then hop off. I noticed as she hopped off that she was dressed beautifully. She had joy, purpose, and looked like Vintage Glam. As she hopped off in the vision I continued driving the uphill train. The Lord was speaking to my heart while he showed me this vision and telling me that I have to be okay with those who get on and off of this ministry train whenever they choose to because it isn't about me. It's about the glory they encounter on the ride, because God is in the business of transformation and he will use whoever he chooses. 

I'll have to be honest and tell you I hesitated sharing this. I didn't want you to think I was some conceited millennial whose heart was in the wrong spot - but I think it is important for me to share these lessons learned along this ministry journey. So many of you are in this space too. We are building, we are birthing, we are praying and we are asking God to use us and lead us. Inevitably we will run into valley seasons along the way and it is important for us to know that we must keep our eyes up and stay about the Father's Business. People may come and go, and even come back again and we must keep the heart posture of the Father and share in the blessings even when our heart is hurting. 

So know that when we are about the will of the Father we will encounter blessings, mountain top seasons and the Glory. and we will also experience loss and hurt. But we must know that this is all a part of the call, and if we are wanting the Lord to use us to drive the train, passengers may come and go - but we must keep driving.
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