Clouded Vision

Clouded Vision

I got something in my eye today, as I raced to the mirror I grabbed saline to rinse my eye. Turns out it was a tiny, single, eyelash that was causing all the pain and distraction. As soon as I realized it was an eyelash, the Lord began to talk to me about the significance of keeping our vision clear, and free from distraction. 

Even the "smallest" of things in our vision can cause severe distraction. 

The small chatter of the enemy, the tiny spews of gossip - they seek to pull at our mind and yank us off course by shifting our focus from what God said and what He promised - to what we feel and what we see. 

The enemy knows what gets us. Or as my Grandma would say - He knows how to get your panties in a bunch. 

If relationships get you, He will come at you there to shift your focus on to what is falling apart rather than what God is rising up. 

If money is a stress point for you, he will get you to focus on your lack rather than causing you to thank God for the way he is supplying today, and how he has never failed you yet. 

See a trend?
When we allow debris in our vision, it throws the whole thing off. Like a train wondering off track, destruction is surely ahead. 

This is why we must take charge of our thoughts, renew our mind and crucify our flesh. 

We are walking a spiritual journey bound by flesh (that hates God) and distracted by the enemy (who also hates God). Keeping ourselves FOCUSED isn't just a recommendation - it is a requirement. 

Focus on the Word of God, Focus on His Voice, and spend time in prayer. 

The other day I was praying with a friend and having a vision while I prayed. She was walking in a halo of light though everything surrounding her was darkness. She could see where her feet were currently, and about two steps in front of her - and that was it. If she would shift her focus from where God was supplying the light, to her surroundings she would have been overcome with worry and darkness. But so long as she stayed focused on where God was providing light, understanding and direction she kept her peace.

Are you pickup up what I am putting down? 

The word says it is a lamp unto our feet and a light unto our path. 
As we walk, following the leading of the Holy Spirit we will surely follow the GPS of faith, and we will confidently be able to stepin boldness, knowing that God is leading us. 

surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all of hte days of my life, and I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever. 


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