🐴 A call to the Wild.
To many the wild mustang looks just that -- wild. Unwilling to surrender to the bridle of control.
But what the onlookers don't realize is that the mustang was made to run wide open.
Research tells us that the mustang is meant to be wild, to live untamed. It says that the feet of mustangs are built for rough terrain and they can survive and thrive on sparce diets, and they actually founder when they are made to stand and feed from lush grassy fields.
It is easy to get in the habit of religion, and mistake it for relationship, a relentless pursuit of Christ.
🌀round and round we go.
a little shout here, a little praise dance there, but no real untethering.
I can hear it now, as the onlookers gaze at the wild mustangs -- "that is rebellion" so many say
But I ask - to whom is the wild mustang rebelling against?
Is he rebelling against God for running the way he was made to run? Or is he rebelling against the traditions and bridling of man who likes to play it tame and safe?
Jehu did not play it safe.
And neither did Jabez when He prayed big prayers. (..that God honored)
Jesus didn't tip toe. He moved in love, and was about the Father's business.
Do not shrink back when God is asking you to run.
Sit in seasons when God asks you to sit.
Rest in seasons God asks you to rest.
Run in seasons God asks you to run.
Untethered from traditions of man, and fully surrendered under the mighty hand of God. Just as the Father intends.
To relentlessly follow the cloud by day and fire by night. To recieve harnessing of the holy spirit, mantling for the assignment at hand and authority from the only one that can give it.
“Have you given the horse its strength
or clothed its neck with a flowing mane?
Did you give it the ability to leap like a locust?
Its majestic snorting is terrifying!
It paws the earth and rejoices in its strength
when it charges out to battle.
It laughs at fear and is unafraid.
It does not run from the sword.
The arrows rattle against it,
and the spear and javelin flash.
It paws the ground fiercely
and rushes forward into battle when the ram’s horn blows.
It snorts at the sound of the horn.
It senses the battle in the distance.
It quivers at the captain’s commands and the noise of battle.
JOB 39:19-25